Under Armour Takes MyFitnessPal Premium

MyFitnessPal Banana Toast Peanut Butter


Three months after creating the world’s largest fitness network by snapping up Endomondo and MyFitnessPal, Under Armour has fired its first shot at the fitness tech space, with a pumped up, paid for version of its nutrition tracking app, MyFitnessPal Premium, aimed at the more serious fitness types.

The first ever premium incarnation of the popular diet tracking app will offer ad-free nutrition tracking and a host of other extras for between $9.99 and $49.99 per year and will be available for Android and iOS users.

So aside from avoiding being buffeted by ads what are the main attractions? Well Under Armour wants to tempt us to cough up for this new premium subscription by offering services like expert recipes from dieticians, more customisable data that lets you set different calorie and nutrition goals for each day of the week and new custom home screens that also allow you to prioritise things like carbohydrate and salt intake, putting your intake stats front and centre.

The stats you can add to your new tailored home pages include:

  1. Macronutrient by gram: Set your macro goals by gram, not just percentage.
  2. Quick add macronutrients: Quick Add isn’t just for calories anymore; you can instantly input grams of fat, protein and carbs.
  3. Control your exercise calories: Now, YOU can decide whether or not to add the calories you burn to your daily goal (and how to allocate those extra macros).
  4. Set different calorie and macro goals for each day of the week: Need more calories on the weekend or extra carbs on training days? No problem. Set different nutrition goals for different days.

There’s also a helping hand in the topical battle on sugar, with the ability to spot which foods are adding most sugar to your diet.

According to MyFitnessPal found Mike Lee people now want more control of their nutrition data and that’s what his team are ready to provide.

“We want to offer them a way to make custom reports, to dig deeper into the nutrient density of the food, and to customise the measurements used to plan their meals.”

Via: The Verge

Source: MyFitnessPal